
Mastering Anxiety: A Relational Task. How young adolescents themselves try to master their anxiety through different strategies.

By Jacob Cilius Vinsten Christiansen, UCL Erhvervsakademi og Professionshøjskole, Denmark.

“When the therapist needs therapy – what then? Rejecting a societal discourse of drinking alcohol with control”  

A poster presentation of the paper entitled “The meaningfulness of challenging the controlled drinking discourse. An autoethnographic study” (Tønnessen, 2023). Published in Qualitative Social Work

By Siw Tønnessen, PhD candidate at USN.

How does the gender distribution in the child protection 1. line service in Norway reflect the Norwegian ideology about gender? A doctoral project.

By Toril Mjelde, student at Tavistock and Portman NHS, London.

Family-based therapy for young people with eating disorders (FBT) and their families.

By Lars-Ole Gjermundbo, Marianne Skogstrøm Endrerud, Annette Rugaard, Lena Grønbeck Karlsen & Marit Grave Halvorsen (FAM/SPIS, Avdeling for familiebehandling, Modum Bad)

“Is it safe enough”?  A mixed methods study of clients' and therapists' experiences of and reflections on the possibility of engaging in and continuing with conjoint couple therapy when partner violence has been disclosed.

By Jan Frode Snellingen, The resource and development team on violence and high conflict, Norwegian Family Counselling Services and Public sector Ph.D. candidate, VID Specialized University, Norway

Affect Regulation in Relational Family Therapy

The presentation will use a action research methodology to illustrate a Relational Family Therapy approach to working with an alcoholic client with a focus on affect regulation.

By Urška Kranjc Jakša and Barbara Simonič, PhD,

Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Users, next-of-kin and healthcare leaders' experience of user participation in the municipal health and care services.

Presentation of a qualitative study conducted in the municipal health and care services in Ørland municipality.

By Erna Henriette Dahl Tyskø, Head of Coordination Unit, Ørland Municipality and Public Sector, PhD candidate, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL)

Parents' perspective on care orders in Norway. The purpose of this project is to focus on parents' experiences related to care orders in Child Welfare Services in Norway.

By Alicja Olkowska and Hilde Anette Aamodt, OsloMet, Norway

Building an integrated systemic family service in a Primary Care Network in England

By David Humphreys, lecturer & supervisor on the Family Interventions in Psychosis & Bipolar experiences training 

Addressing family violence in generalist couple and family services. A mixed methods study of clients’ and therapists’ experiences of, and perspectives on addressing and disclosing family violence in conjoint couple therapy when violence is not part of the presenting problem.

By Pål Erik Carlin, The resource and development team on violence and high conflict, Norwegian family counselling services and Public sector PhD candidate, VID Specialized University, Norway

Research available with digital learning resources

Presentation of digital resources on grief about drug-related deaths (END project). These resources provide therapists and other helpers with valuable insights into the grief experienced by families, aiding them in supporting individuals through their grieving process.

By Sari Lindeman, D.Sys.Psych, Associate Professor, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL)